Early Winter Round Up

With the fishing slowing down on all our lakes at the moment as we transition from autumn in to winter, its perhaps a good time to catch up on some of the excellent catches that have occurred throughout 2021 on both complexes. Truth be known, leaving it so long since my last round up has left me with an almost impossible task.

Mesters has been weedy this year but we’ve seen steady weight gain in some of our younger stock fish with a great crop of mirrors romping along well in to twenties, loads of lovely chestnut commons going well in to the 20’s to keep them company as well. The old warrior's are still doing their thing and Drop Tail, Sergeant and Warty have all been caught either over or nudging 30. Queen of the pond at the moment is our biggest common Wurzel who last week graced the bank at a very respectable 33lb 6oz. Little Mesters has done some great fish as well with the biggest mirror Petal topping out just shy of 30, commons to 27.15 but more importantly great growth in our younger doubles.

Wyndham at Alderfen, what a year, we restricted bait to pellets and boilies only on our lakes as a trial for the first 6 months of this season and it certainly paid dividends with our biggest fish, Boxing Day going 31lb and another half a dozen fish coming out as upper 20’s, add to that to a ever growing stock of low twenties and upper doubles, members have enjoyed some great catches. I could literally post hundreds of pics of Pads Lake doubles and fish from all the lakes to be honest, however heres a small selection of this years fish caught by members from both lakes at Mesters and Wyndham at Alderfen to be going on with!




More Than Just Carp!


Is it Spring yet?